Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How To Deal With the Arrogant

How To Deal
With the Arrogant

Arrogant people are really exhibiting a protective barrier to hide their insecurity. Arrogance can manifest in different ways. Sometimes, the person will attempt to be witty, rather than address the issue at hand. Other times, the person might resort to pretense in various forms; such as using jargon that belongs in academia or to some particular profession rather than generic words that are used in every day speech. Some resort to expressing the opinions of other people about the text, and like to impress by citing other authors they have read. They are like economists who discuss the views of other economists but could not run a business if their lives depended on it.[i] 
The best way to deal with individuals inclined towards projecting unwarranted personas of self-importance is to ask the individuals to share what the scripture means to them and how they feel they could apply this in their own lives. When doing this, it is best for us as leaders to acknowledge that the person has the ability to express the views of others, or the capacity to speak in a foreign language, but the other members of the group, including ourselves, would really like to understand what is meant and not misinterpret what is being said.
People, who suffer insecurity, need to feel that they will not be considered inferior to other members of the group if their insecurity is exposed. While this can be for different reasons, many insecure people attempt to mask their insecurity with an extensive vocabulary. In some respects they are like the alcoholic, who has learned how to mask his dependency on alcohol. Other people are very reluctant (or even refuse) to share because they feel they do not have the knowledge, and if they say something, they will be ridiculed. These individuals can become very arrogant as well by trying to suggest they do not really have to share in a group Bible Study such as The Milk of the Word, in that it is beneath them because it is too simple.  
 However, the wonderful truth about Jesus is that even though He was God, He emptied Himself and took on the form of a servant in the likeness of a man. This was to identify with us and also to rescue us. If we are to complete the works of Jesus we need to do likewise. We need to be servants. In being a servant we seek to encourage people to share what is on their hearts, listen to them, and make them feel they are appreciated within a safe environment where they are not going to be judged and ridiculed. This is why a group Bible Study discussing The Milk of the Word is not so much about gaining knowledge for the sake of knowledge, but understanding what is sin and what is sin’s hold over us, and how we can overcome it. Hence, rather than seeking the opinions of participants, the leader of the study asks the participants such questions as: What does this mean to you?  What does this mean for you in your life? How do you feel about this? Or, How do you feel we could apply this in our lives?
The key to successfully helping people overcome their insecurities is for the leader of the group Bible Study to understand that this is a devotional study about sin and each one’s relationship with God and their fellows. Opinions and dogmatic doctrine are avoided by concentrating on the relational issues and the purpose of life. Moreover, when asking open questions about purpose, meaning and feeling, people find it easier to overcome the barriers they have created to protect their inner feelings of insecurity.
A wise leader always uses open questions which are framed along the lines of: What do you think the purpose of this scripture is? What is the meaning of this for you? How do you feel about this scripture?
Acknowledgement by the leader of what each person has said through a quick summarization of the key point, or how the person feels about an issue, helps the person who has just spoken understand they are appreciated and accepted as a valuable contributor to the health of the group Bible Study. This way arrogant tendencies are circumnavigated and members begin to share from their hearts on a personal and devotional level, which permits the Holy Spirit to move freely.
Along with arrogance, egoism is another tendency that surfaces frequently. This is to be viewed as good; so rather than clamping down on the person exhibiting egoistic tendencies, these need to be overlooked, because the Lord will deal with the individual as each issue is discussed. Some people have larger egos than others. Nevertheless, they need to come down to Earth so they can be buried with Jesus, if they are to be raised up by the power of the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ. It is worth remembering, traits that flow from the pride of life are the deadliest of all sins; for it is a truism that haughtiness comes before a fall, and pride before destruction. For only the dead in Christ are raised to eternal life. Nevertheless, the leader of the Bible Study has to be a servant and seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance at all times, so specks are taken out of participants’ eyes rather than creating issues because log-heads clash together.
When the wind challenged the sun to see who was the most influential, the two of them decided to see who could influence people to remove their coats the fastest on an overcast winter’s day.
The wind spent the morning blowing as hard as he could. The more he blew, the stronger the gale he created, but the more determined people became to keep their coats on. Exhausted he gave the sun a turn.
In the afternoon, the sun beamed down on the clouds and once there was an opening, people began feeling his gentle rays quickly warming them up; within minutes they were only too willing to take their coats off.
Likewise, a gentle tongue avoids wrath and a timely answer is like sweet water to one who is thirsty.
It is an irony that while some people are full of themselves and think they are more important than others, there are others who feel downtrodden, but given half a chance, they too will be like a balloon that is about to burst, since they also will become full of themselves. Yet this process of manifesting the old nature and bringing our ugliness (that which secretly brings shame) to the surface is what God uses to transform us from the old nature into newness of life.
The cathartic and transformational experience of confronting our shortcomings and recognizing our weaknesses, and allowing God to purge them from us, produces a new creation that is being transformed from one degree of glory to another, if we have truly been circumcised of heart.
A successful group Bible Study is more effective than many sessions with a counselor, because the Holy Spirit is moving among the participants. The members are coming to share the Word of God and feast on the truth. Consequently, that which is unwarranted has no right to be, and the arrogance of the arrogant is dealt with ever so effectively. For humility goes before honor, and when the arrogant see how gracious people can be, they start to realize that there is a better way than make believe.

[i] Such a claim is not as ludicrous as it may sound. One Australian politician, who had studied economics and business at university, was given a national business portfolio and, on his watch, suffered the ignominy of overseeing a lunch shop that he owned inauspiciously plunge into bankruptcy and augur the demise of his political fortunes, which sunk in a matter of a few short days after his shame had been made public.

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