Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Where, When & How of Meetings

Where should
meetings be held?

To discuss where a group Bible Study should meet might seem somewhat superfluous, but sometimes good ideas can be triggered in our minds in the most unexpected places.

Essentially, a meeting to study the Bible can be held anywhere. There are no requirements or restrictions as to where a Bible Study between three to six people can be held. People have held Bible studies in hotel bars, parks, restaurants, and even with prostitutes in houses of ill-repute. Wherever a Bible Study is held, it is best that a level of quiet can be achieved and there are no distractions, so each one can focus on what is being talked about.

Naturally, the more congenial a setting is for people to feel comfortable the better. Not to have to worry about distractions or give any room for the enemy to get in the way of equipping the saints with body armor is the aim of the game—only this is not a game, this is serious training in being victorious over the Devil.
Once I met a married couple who were Christians. They had moved from another city and were looking for a church to attend that would suit their needs.. The woman expressed a desire to attend a ladies meeting. I introduced the young Christian mother to a mid-week ladies fellowship that was held during the day. This was at a church close to her. Unfortunately, the women there did not like her bringing her two children and the atmosphere did not bring God glory. Instead of the older ladies thinking about helping her, they resented her children being present and throwing their weekly meeting into chaos.

Bible studies are always difficult for young mothers with children. Children cannot participate in a Bible Study, therefore it is best if a means can be provided for some form of child care. Having children in a meeting where people are trying to concentrate on what is being said so they can understand each other does not work when children are around. While the mother of a child might be slightly annoyed at times, often those without children are inconveniently distracted to such an extent that it is unloving to obligate them to be more considerate. Consideration is a two-way street and if a mother with young children wants to participate in a group Bible Study, she really needs to be considerate of others, and arrange for something more suitable for her needs.

When it comes to having even a small group Bible Study of between three to six people with any mothers with young children, consideration needs to be given to where the event is to be held. This is because accommodation for the children needs to be taken into account. However, if there are six participants and a couple of them are mothers with young children, while it might be fine for those without children to have the meeting in MacDonald’s or a local coffee house, it would pay for the meeting to be split into two groups of three, so that the two mothers could meet at a location where there are facilities for the children.

Should Meetings
Be Weekly
or Fortnightly?

 Optimally, Bible studies should be no more than one week apart. It is probably better if people can meet twice a week, if possible. When people meet twice a week to have fellowship around the Word of God, this is usually best. There is nothing wrong in having daily devotions either, but in a practical sense, we have to consider the circumstances and what will benefit participants the most. Fortnightly Bible studies are a little too far apart; whereas group Bible Study that is held on a weekly basis tends to pull a sense of commitment from the participants, which is an aid to growth. Meetings that are held twice a week or more demonstrate a hunger among the participants and there is nothing wrong about being hungry for the Word of God. Blessed indeed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they will be satisfied.

            One of the benefits about running a Bible Study in a small group is that it is easier to accommodate special requests to adjust meetings because of circumstances that arise every now and then. Although, when people are interested in participating in a regular meeting, they will make the effort to be in attendance. This is especially when a leader runs a Bible Study along the lines advocated in this book, because each participant will enjoy fellowship with one another in the Holy Spirit, feasting on God’s Word.

How Long Should
A Bible Study BE?

From my experience, the length of a Bible Study for optimal benefit in a small group depends on the desire of the individuals present. However, I have found two hours is usually about the optimum time to get a feed of the Word sufficient to last for a week. Although, shorter periods can work well if they are broken up and held on the same day.

When it comes to group Bible Study where maximum benefit is obtained, participants need about two hours for a solid in-depth session of discussion and enlightenment. Of course, this is not always the case, and much depends on how many people are involved in discussion. and each one’s attention span. Bible Studies that are lectures are a different matter.

The type of Bible Study that we are talking about here is one where each individual contributes to the discussion. This may mean that some individuals will have more issues than others and the number of scriptures discussed may be more on some days than others. The servant-heart of Philippians, chapter two, should always be foremost on our minds as leaders.

The important element when it comes to having a successful Bible Study is not to rush through matters, but to exhaust what needs to be discussed so each individual can learn about the needs of other people and allow the Holy Spirit to use one another to minister where needed. We all come to the table with different histories and this often means different insights regarding life’s trials and temptations.

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